NE | AR profiliKirill Kuzenkov profili

AI Case 56. «Canyon jump»

Project name: Case 56. «Canyon jump»
Concept architect: Kirill Kuzenkov
Visualization: NE|AR
Completition time: 3 days

We are pleased to present our architectural concept. The project was executed by NE|AR team using a combination of advanced AI technologies and familiar visualization tools.
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The project goal:
Create a creative architectural concept and use generative AI to create advertising and presentation-quality visualizations in a short timeframe based on a building model from Revit and quick assembly from environment assets in 3ds max.

Workflow: The project started with the idea of a building with a car elevator from one road level to another. The initial concept was modeled in Autodesk Revit. Then we transferred the model to Autodesk 3ds max, where we put angles and created the rough environment  of assets and vehicles. After creating fast renders that you have seen above, all further work was done with AI tools (Stable Diffusion + ControlNet) and collages (Photoshop)

Project Description: The architectural concept "Jump" is an 8-story concrete building with panoramic glazing and a car elevator from the lower to the upper level. This feature of the building's architecture allows a car "jump" to a new height level of the canyon 

Conclusion: If earlier the execution of architectural visualization tasks by means of AI seemed to us something revolutionary, now we can unequivocally say - it is a ready-made tool that accelerates visualization pipelines by at least 30-50%. Over the last 2 months we have applied Stable Diffusion on absolutely all exterior visualization tasks, and with each project we accelerate and improve our new workflows. AI is not a magic button, it is a new generation tool for solving familiar tasks faster and with higher quality

Suggestion: Write questions in the comments below about our generations or tools that interest you. It can also be questions about the possibility of solving some particular problems. In one of the next works we will make a FAQ block 

If you are interested in seeing other results of our work, we invite you to check out our past projects below:  

We are completely open to cooperation and creative collaborations. 
Don't be afraid of new technologies and their possibilities, just tell us about your task and we can offer options to save you time and money. 
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AI Case 56. «Canyon jump»
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AI Case 56. «Canyon jump»

Discover the architectural concept of "Canyon jump" by NE|AR, where advanced AI technologies meet familiar design tools. Our goal: create a visio Daha Fazla Bilgi

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