Kitcheniro is a business-to-business (B2B) company based on (Kitchen as a service model) that provides virtual kitchens services to the food and beverage industry,  increasing utilization rates for existing kitchens.
Our website is simplifying the lives of restaurant owner's, food entrepreneur's lives, food Suppliers and food Delivery Company who aim to fully utilize their existing kitchens, by providing a service to other food brands who have trouble launching new kitchens so they can communicate through our platform. We’ve developed the website using ASP.NetCORE MVC, with front-end technologies including HTML5, CSS3, JS, jQuery, Bootstrap5 and Photoshop. For the back-end we've implemented SOLID principles in our models, controllers, and repositories, and utilized code-first techniques to create the database using PostgreSQL as our DBMS. This marks the release of Kitcheniro V.01, with plans to launch version 2.0 in the near future with enhanced functionality. For those interested in reviewing the project files, please visit our GitHub repository at [
Kitcheniro] thank you.


