Elsa Blom profili

Paula Scher - Ikonisk grafisk designer

Paula Scher: Ikonisk grafisk designer 
In this unique book project, I explored the illustrious career of Paula Scher, a seminal figure in graphic design known for her bold and iconic album covers. Reflecting her distinctive style, the book is unconventionally designed in the shape of a 7" vinyl record, complete with an enclosing cover that mimics a vinyl sleeve. The pages themselves draw inspiration from vinyl records, embodying the essence of Scher's dynamic designs.​​​​​​​
I chose to let the content and colors of the book be as bold and protruding as Scher’s own design ethos. This approach not only honors her legacy but also allows the design elements to speak for themselves—much like Scher's work, which has always stood out in the visual landscape. This book is a tribute to a designer who consistently dared to let her designs take center stage and speak volumes.
Paula Scher - Ikonisk grafisk designer
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Paula Scher - Ikonisk grafisk designer

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