Akshay Roy 的個人檔案

Women's leadership training online

Women's leadership training online is essential because it provides women with the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to thrive in their professional lives. Despite significant progress in gender equality, women continue to face unique challenges and biases in the workplace. This training equips them with the tools to navigate these obstacles and take on leadership roles with confidence.
One of the main reasons why women's leadership training is essential is because it addresses the gender gap in leadership positions. Despite making up nearly half of the workforce, women remain underrepresented in leadership roles. According to a report by McKinsey & Company, women hold only 18% of C-suite positions globally. This disparity is not due to a lack of talent or ambition, but rather to systemic barriers that women face. Leadership training helps to dismantle these barriers by providing women with the skills and strategies to break through glass ceilings and advance their careers.
Another reason why women's leadership training is essential is because it helps to develop a diverse and inclusive workplace. Numerous studies have shown that diverse teams are more innovative, productive, and successful. However, without proper training and support, women may face challenges in being heard and recognized in male-dominated environments
Women's leadership training online

Women's leadership training online

