Profil von Thorsten J. Pattberg, PhD

The Book of Tokyo - Japan & Other Social Evils (2022)

The Book of Tokyo - Japan & Other Social Evils, PATTBERG
Our colonial subjects in Japan* do crazy stuff like wearing ‘retard badges’ for three years or commit mass Hikkimori. They also mutilate their underclass, bought 20 million pet dogs last year, and sent their few surviving kids to Akuma No Juku or “the Cram Schools from Hell.” This is a social horror compilation from the cradle of Hentai-Porn, Micro-Bento and Crazy Toilets. A guide to unspeakable social degeneracy and mental illnesses never reported in mainstream academia.

*Also: The Empire of Sanctions [and Lies] takes advantage of its Colony Japan to militarize the entire Pacific.

[Reader discretion advised: Stories from US-occupied Japan can cause bleeding ulcers and loss of heart.]

Tokyo, August 2022
Random Praise for 'Book of Tokyo':
“Pattberg should have his own Japan.” --Moomin

“It’s not the slabs of muscle in this book. It’s the aura of terror it exudes.” --Wade William

“The scholar.
The myth.
The Jupoon…” --SonicTeam

“Pattberg once published a book and sold 5 copies.
Then he wrote it.” --BigManJapan

“Jordan Peterson:
‘You have lost, Pattberg.
I am a tactical genius, I
have all others to my news feed!’
Thorsten Pattberg: ‘Joopuuun!’” --Andy Kirazawa

“A shocker. Tokyo, no pants!” --NewJapanStory

:-( --AbeShinso
The Book of Tokyo - Japan & Other Social Evils (2022)