Vella Smart Space Monitoring Application
Imagine a world where you can be sure that your space is safe and secure, even when you're not there. A world where you can receive real-time alerts of any unusual activity, allowing you to take immediate action. That's the world of Vella Smart Space Application.

With the help of strategically placed Velodyne Lidars, the app receives real-time data from every corner of the space. When an unusual event is detected, the sensors will send an alert to the app, notifying the user promptly.

The user can then view the live feed from the sensors to assess the situation and take action if necessary. The app displays a real-time view of your space, including the location of all sensors and their range. You can also view a historical view of the data, enabling you to track patterns and identify potential threats.

The Vella Smart Space App is a powerful tool that can be used to keep your property safe and secure. By using the app, you can be confident that you will be alerted to any unusual activity that occurs on your property.
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Vella Smart Space


Vella Smart Space
