Buse Agrags profil

Spiegel | Skincare Packaging

Spiegel represents a lifestyle choice—a luxurious yet accessible approach to skincare that emphasises self-care, confidence, and embracing one's unique beauty. The packaging design I created aimed to encapsulate this essence, marrying sophistication with simplicity to convey a brand that values not just outer radiance but also inner confidence and self-assurance.
The key focus was on crafting a design that mirrored the brand's ethos of minimalist elegance. I utilized clean lines, subtle textures, and a neutral color palette to evoke a sense of timeless luxury. The packaging design aimed to speak volumes on the shelf by embodying sophistication and understated beauty.
Each product category had its own distinct yet cohesive design, allowing customers to identify and connect with the brand effortlessly. The use of muted tones and a clean layout across the packaging evoked a sense of tranquility and premium quality.
I'm open to work!
Feel free to contact for your projects: buseagrag@icloud.com
Thanks for watching!
Spiegel | Skincare Packaging


Spiegel | Skincare Packaging
