Profil appartenant à Brendan Leask

PAREIDOLIA: Character Design

Character Design
Project Introduction

This project involved using the phenomenon of pareidolia to design seven characters according to an overarching world and narrative, with the express purpose of converting those characters into web- and print-based stickers.

Pareidolia is the strange occurrence of recognising facial features in arbitrary objects that litter everyday life. The brain processes imperfect visuals to ‘project’ what we expect to see rather than what is being seen — resulting in faces, characters, creatures and beings.
The Clockwork Kingdom

The Clockwork Kingdom is located at the centre of the known and unknown universe —
a kingdom dedicated to the protection and preservation of time. The kingdom expands endlessly by way of its citizenship, the Engineer, and the King, through various clock towers and mechanisms. The expansion of this kingdom serves as the primary combatant against the ever-growing illumination of humanity in their mortal world. As humanity's knowledge of the world grows, so too do the chances of world-breaking paradoxes.

The kingdom's constant expansion through clockwork preserves time — delaying the enlightenment of mortals and the event of the Mass-Paradox. When humanity makes strides in its own evolution, however, time ripples and the Engineer succumbs to an uncontrollable madness. This madness extends to his Automatons — usually peaceful labourers of the kingdom — through a hive-mind receptor in his top hat.

The world itself clashes Medieval High-Fantasy with Retro-Futuristic Steampunk, with the characters being inspired by Tim Burton and H.P. Lovecraft.

As a high-ranking soldier and personal bodyguard of King Clock, this knight’s valour knows no limit.

This character forms the figurehead for our party of three, donned in armour and ready to defend his king. This character is equipped with a trusty sword and shield.
Constructed from a pendant-styled pocket watch.
Temporal Mage

With the ebb and flow of time running through her veins, she commands space and time with psychokineses.

This mage was born with a natural affinity to time and space, acting as both a healer to the party of three and a force of nature to those who would threaten this kingdom of clockwork. She wields a staff attuned to the astral plane.
Constructed from a mantle clock.
Chanced Rogue

Acting as the head of operations for subterfuge, and part-automaton, she also spends her days finetuning the clockwork towers.

This dexterous individual acts as the chief of subterfuge and guerilla warfare when the kingdom is in those times. When battle is not paramount, this semi-cyborg uses her dexterity to scale, fix and refine the clockwork mechanisms that make up the kingdom.
Constructed from an hourglass.
King Clock

Appointed as the leading party by the Timekeeper in days of yore, this king engages fully with the expansion of his land.

This character acts as the ruling party to the Kingdom of Clockwork — although this is more of a title than a status, as he too works towards the constant expansion of his kingdom. He was assigned his role by the Timekeeper and is really just a glorified liaison.
Constructed from a ‘world’ styled clock.

In the heart of the castle sleeps the Timekeeper — a being fully attuned to time and the catalyst for the Kingdom’s task."

The Timekeeper acts as a sort of neutral force — slumbering within the heart of the kingdom, and in communication with the king. This creature, however, does not actively assist in expansion or protection. An Outer Being beyond mortal comprehension.
Constructed from a model of Newton’s Cradle.
Mad Engineer

The head clockmaker and machinist. A jealous sort who often stirs up trouble in the kingdom. Creator of the labour force.

The Mad Engineer is generally a willing subject to the King, blissfully expanding the Kingdom with his engineering prowess and feats in mechanics. When trouble stirs in time and space, and allusions of paradoxes appear before the Timekeeper — the Engineer loses himself to madness.
Constructed from a clock with a pan-like handle.
Clockwork Automaton

Constructs of the Mad Engineer, these puppets form the main workforce when it comes to the kingdom’s endless expansion.

These automatons were created by the Engineer to assist in the constant expansion of the kingdom. They take the form of clockwork puppets with the sole directive of working with the Engineer. These creatures are humanoid, though far more mechanical in their being.
Constructed from a bedside alarm clock.
Concept Art
Thank you for your time.
PAREIDOLIA: Character Design
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PAREIDOLIA: Character Design

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