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We Belong to Each Other - social initiative

The "We Belong to Each Other" direct mail campaign was crafted to illuminate the significance of community belonging in the Chicagoland area. Arriving for Valentine's Day, the design utilized a welcoming color scheme that resonated with themes of warmth and unity.

The campaign adopted a straightforward approach, featuring bilingual text to reach a broad audience, emphasizing the value of inclusivity. It successfully encouraged community members to engage in acts of listening, bridge-building, and offering support to one another.

A QR code was integrated into the design, allowing recipients to seamlessly transition from the physical mailer to the initiative’s digital platform, fostering further interaction. This aspect of the campaign promoted a continuous dialogue about community involvement.
The mailer was designed to be interactive, with portions to cut, fold, and share, turning the concept of community into a participatory experience. It was a practical, visually appealing, and impactful design that aligned with its social goal: to reinforce the interconnectedness of individuals within the community.

The timing and the interactive nature of the campaign leveraged the sentimentality of Valentine's Day, effectively using the occasion to remind people of the broader applications of love and care within a communal context.
We Belong to Each Other - social initiative
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We Belong to Each Other - social initiative

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