Maison Indulgence
Maison Indulgence crafts a luxurious chocolate experience from start to finish, ensuring that every aspect, from store design to product packaging, exudes sophistication and elegance.
The inspiration was taken from the world of fine arts, combining geometric patterns and rich brand colors to exude a contemporary aura while retaining the allure of classic craftsmanship. The logo was designed to encapsulate the essence of the brand with “Maison" having a sophisticated serif font, evoking a sense of heritage and artistry. Complementing it with a cursive script for "Indulgence," a sense of sensuality and allure was infused into the brand. Harmoniously intertwining a sage green with beige and rose gold accents, the palette echoes the creaminess and indulgence of Maison Indulgence's creations. Designing this brand experience was an immersive event that allowed a fusion of art, passion, and storytelling into a symphony of visual delights.
Maison Indulgence


Maison Indulgence
