Profil Marimur Mur

Futurice x Pride Celebration: A Burst of Colors

Thrilled to share a project close to my heart – the vibrant collaboration between Futurice and Pride. As the official partner of Pride Week, Futurice aimed to spread joy and inclusivity through a range of celebratory items.

From a long 1x3m banderoll to small flags, fake tattoos, and keychains, every piece radiates with Futurice's brand colors, seamlessly intertwined with the vibrant spirit of Pride. The tattoos, in particular, carry a playful twist, adding a touch of humor to the celebration while embracing the colorful pride feeling.

However, as with any creative endeavor, challenges emerged. Futurice's brand includes a distinctive grain crafted in Illustrator, which, upon printing, proved less effective. A valuable lesson learned: always order items in advance to ensure quality checks before a bulk order.

This project not only celebrates the partnership between Futurice and Pride but also serves as a testament to the importance of adaptability and foresight in the creative process. 

Remember to order your sample print stuff early!
Thank you for watching!
Futurice x Pride Celebration: A Burst of Colors


Futurice x Pride Celebration: A Burst of Colors
