I created this Logo inspired by the artist P!nk. My task was to create packaging for a soda with the artist P!nk.
I took her colors from multiple albums and created a microphone to symbolize her as a popstar. I mainly took colors from "The Truth About Love" and "I'm Not Dead" as they are some of my favorite albums
I first started off with 3 words to describe P!nk and I chose colorful, eccentric, and playful. I knew right away that I wanted to play with the ! in her stage name so I changed it to a microphone to give homage to her as a singer. I went back and forth with lyrics that will give it a catchy jingle. The white top on the logo is suppose to represent P!nk's iconic white mohawk hair and the push against society norms on how women's hair should be. 
I later made some ROUGH sketches on how I wanted the cans to look with the lyrics, "gotta get up and try," from her song Try. I wanted to correspond the flavors of the cans to the colors of the lid so that's more eye catching and easy to differentiate. 
I created the logo using Adobe Illustrator. I used the rectangle tool mainly to create the box backgrounds. 
Next I used 3D stager and used an existing model can and put the logo, the flavor, the slogan onto the cans. I then color corresponded the top lids to the flavors. Green for lime lemonade, red for pink lemonade, and yellow for pineapple lemonade soda. 
I rendered the cans and attached a concert stage background to them. And TA-DA, P!nk Lemonade Sodas found in imaginary stores all around. 
P!NK Soda

P!NK Soda


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