Profil Gabriella De Gois

MD200 | Title Sequence for film GUMMO

The creation of this title sequence required a great deal of creativity and painstaking attention to detail. It required handling film, incorporating stop-motion overlays, building layers between various visual components, deft editing, and thoughtful typographic application. These components were thoughtfully chosen to capture the exact essence of the movie "Gummo" and elicit the eerie feelings it evokes.
This title sequence took a long time to create; it was not something that happened quickly. The goal was to accurately portray the unsettling and spooky mood that characterises "Gummo." Every stage of the sequence's creation was essential to making sure the images matched the eerie tone and distinct mood of the movie. 
Through the creative combination of processed film, stop-motion graphics, and deft layering of various visual elements, the scene was painstakingly constructed to elicit the eerie feelings and experiences associated with "Gummo." In order to accurately reflect the film's essence and convey its frightening vibe, a thorough and meticulous approach was required, making sure that the title sequence served as a fitting and captivating preface to the movie.

When I think back on this particular brief, it was a really good experience. It provided a chance to delve into the creative process and investigate many facets of design, fostering both professional and personal development.
I faced obstacles during this short that inspired creative ideas and stretched the limits of my abilities. It was a really fulfilling adventure that went above and beyond my expectations. This encounter fostered a deeper grasp of the subtleties in motion design by offering priceless insights.

Special thanks to my Lecturer Anwar McWhite
Audio - A Cold Freezin' Night by The Books 
Film - Gummo By Harmony Korine

MD200 | Title Sequence for film GUMMO


MD200 | Title Sequence for film GUMMO
