Nicole Nel's profile

ILL 301, 3.2 Photography within Editorial Design

ILL 301, 3.2 Photography within Editorial Design
This online initiative and poster aim to raise awareness and educate individuals about online scamming, fostering a heightened awareness of potential cyber threats. The project utilizes thorough research, adept copywriting, and the medium of digital photography to delve into the communication possibilities inherent in online and poster design disciplines.
Technical Specifications 
- Digital Poster 144dpi, 2121px x 300px, RGB, jpeg
- WeTransfer Background 1040px max with 20px padding
- Up-to-you Deliverable, digital mock-up
- Digital Poster
- WeTransfer Background
- Up-To-You Deliverable 
- Vertical Narrative 
- Process Work
In crafting this concept, the aim was to shed light on the pervasive issue of fine print scamming associated with the terms and conditions of online services. Recognizing the common tendency of users to hastily agree without thoroughly reading, the concept exaggerates this behavior to a humorous extent. By mocking the practice, the intention is to spark conversations and increase awareness about the importance of reading the fine print before consenting. The deliberate choice of a color scheme featuring yellow and red serves a dual purpose. These colors are strategically employed to serve as visual cues, signaling users to exercise caution and drawing attention specifically to text highlighted in these colors. This design approach aims to emphasize the critical nature of the content and underscore the need for users to be vigilant when confronted with online agreements. 
Digital Poster 
WeTransfer Background 
Table Talker 
Vertical Narrative
Process Work 
ILL 301, 3.2 Photography within Editorial Design

ILL 301, 3.2 Photography within Editorial Design


Creative Fields