Samsung concept home theater design
Even though we don’t hear it, nature moves little by little making their own sounds. But in the quietness, when senses are focused, one can feel the sound. This project puts wonderous sounds of nature when flower buds bloom in the design. 
Posted up all the inspirational images and sketches, and recorded people’s opinions on the post-it. It was an effective way to reduce the gap between other people’s pursuing image and mine. User can catch the key point of the shape and line one reminiscence about.
When listening to the low grandeur sound that spreads in the living room, one could feel the exclusive sound through the body. With the process of simplifying the flower bud’s shape, designed with the key (core) line of the form. The sound spreads evenly and magnificently from the reverberation board placed on top of the woofer.
As a design that features functional beauty and contains beautiful function at the same time, expressed the tension of the flower for the shape of the home theater. This home theater inspired by flower buds will act as beautiful object in the living room. 
Samsung BUD

Samsung BUD

Morphological buds with home theater motif.


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