Perfil de Cristian Delgado

Cristian Delgado Portfolio/

Houston Association of REALTORS
Cristian Delgado - Portfolio 
Production Associate - Video Department
This portfolio presents a sample of videos I've helped shoot and/or edit throughout my duration at HAR.

Starting with my first project
the HAR Governmental Affairs Elected Officials Series
This video series consisted of 16 videos and generated 881 views.
Young Professionals Network (YPN)​​​​​​​
From promoting upcoming events, recapping the events and everything in between; YPN helped get me acclimated to the world of Houston Real Estate.
YPN Videos I help create have generated 1000+ views to date
Texas Realtors Leadership Program! (TRLP) 
To date, TRLP Videos I've help create have generated over 1100+ views
Engage Conference Recaps 
Engage Videos have generated 500+ views!
Promoting HARTV and Our Studios!
These videos have generated 400+ views!
Other Notable Video Projects!
Helped shoot but did not edit Housing Symposium
Helped shoot but did not edit Jennifer visits Kroger
After early two years of working for HAR; I am grateful for the experiences and opportunities that have shaped my time with the association. Working in the realm of real estate has not only honed my skills but also helped my understanding of the industry's unique visual storytelling needs.

I am truly thankful for the trust and collaboration that have defined my time here, and I am excited about the prospect of taking on even more responsibilities. The challenges we've overcome and the successes we've celebrated together continues to fuel my drive to work for such a great company/department. 

I feel ready to take on more work responsibilities and excited to see what the future holds!
Cristian Delgado Portfolio/
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Cristian Delgado Portfolio/

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