Henkilön Mahmut Emin profiili

Visual identity Leo Jewelers logo

Hello, we are a diamond ring manufacturer.
 We have been working in the field for a long time, since 1977
Due to our extensive experience and our customers who have good taste, we care about rare and ancient diamonds
We master and care about making simple, uncomplicated and elegant rings
We would like to alert you that we chose the name (Leo) because it is a name associated with the mastery of our industry

Leo: He is the one who taught our great grandfather, the founder of the company, many of the secrets of the profession
We have chosen the color blue to signify our rarity and luxury. We want you to include a diamond sign with your name written on it.
  In text form and choosing a font of high and distinctive taste, we would like the logo to be simple and convey the message to new customers and remind old customers of our history.
We have added a new feature of its kind, which is choosing and modifying the design

Visual identity Leo Jewelers logo


Visual identity Leo Jewelers logo
