Profil appartenant à Nathan Doty

A Series of Altered Images

A Series of Altered Images promotional poster 

"A Series of Altered Images" is a poignant series of altered images that visually articulates the emotional conflict of being torn between two polar opposite cities. Each artwork encapsulates the distinct atmospheres, cultures, and emotions inherent in these urban landscapes.

Blue-Eys Grey Skies 4/13/22


Photo, pen and ink, spray paint, acrylic and pastels on wooden slate
Fishbowl (Self Portrait) 4/10/2022


Photography, pen and ink, pastel, spray paint and collage on wooden slate
M1934214 4/8/2022


Photo, pastel, ink and pen and spray paint on wooden slate
Bed Eye 4/8/2022


Photo, pastel, spray paint and acrylic on wooden slate
A Series of Altered Images
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A Series of Altered Images

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