Frey dessine's profile


Alors que la vague de COVID-19 frappe l'Orient et l'Occident pour la première fois au printemps 2020, un mouvement de haine envers les populations d'origine asiatique apparaît, comme un second virus qui contamine les populations. Un mouvement de dénonciation de ces actes d'agression envers les personnes d’origine asiatique voit le jour pour répondre à ces violences.

As the COVID-19 wave hits the World for the first time in the Spring of 2020, a flow of hatred towards populations of Asian origin appears, like a second virus infecting populations. A campaign to denounce hate, violence and agression against Asian people is emerging in response to this brutality.

«Nous sommes plus de 60 artistes qui se rallions contre la xénophobie en solidarité aux communautés asiatiques. Nous rejetons l’idée que toute autre communauté marginalisée soit un bouc émissaire. Nous croyons que c’est en agissant collectivement que nous ferons intelligemment face aux enjeux de société.»

"In response to the global increase in racism stemming from the new coronavirus pandemic, 60+ artists from Canada and France have joined forces. Using their pencils, they collectively denounce xenophobia and show their solidarity with Asian communities through their drawingsWe believe that acting collectively will allow us to respond intelligently to the challenges facing our society. We reject and oppose the scapegoating of any marginalized community, regardless of its cultural designation."

Initiated by: Ravy Puth, Chinese-Cambodian illustrator
All illustrations done my : Provocateur Pencil
Press coverage : Radio-Canada

Signatory artists:
Amélie Tourangeau / Amélie Grenier / Anne Côté / Annick Gaudreault / Audrey Lise Mallet / Aurélie Grand / Boris / Bryan Beyung / Brandy Woods / Cécile Morel / Chloloula / Chloé Baillargeon (Khlö) / Dimani Mathieu Cassendo / David Ha / Denise Brinck / Eliza / Élodie Duhameau / Elody Sinniger (Studio ParciParla) / Emmanuelle Dufour / FannyHH / Flemay / Frey dessine / Jean-Sébastien Bérubé / Johan Papin / Julia Illustration / Juliane CL / Julie Rocheleau / Julien Castanié / Julien Posture / Kim Renaud-Venne / Laurence Dechassey / Lucie Le Touze / Marc Lafon / Mariana Moreno / Marie-Anne Dubé / Mathilde Cinq-Mars / Maxime De Roy / Melanie Roubineau / Melyna Phan / Mona Elicery / Morgane Bernard / Morgane Stab / Najomie Cournoyer / Navid Moghadam / NoriKo Ratops / Olivier Lasser / Pascale Constantin / Pauline Stive / Ravy Puth / Rodrigo Sotero / Roland Garrigue / Romain Lasser / Sammi Proulx / Sophie Benmouyal / Sophie Casson / Sovi Ngau / Sylvain Cabot / Valaska / Valery Goulet / Valoupiche / Veronic Lym / Xenia Lucie Affelie / Yuna Troël




As the COVID-19 wave hits the World for the first time in the Spring of 2020, a flow of hatred towards populations of Asian origin appears, like Read More
