The Dada Manifesto Book project is a visually captivating exploration of the Dada movement, driven by the overarching goal of showcasing the essence and impact of this avant-garde artistic and literary movement. The design of the book is a testament to the rebellious and unconventional spirit of Dada, with its primary focus on large-scale typography. The innovative approach involves treating type as an image, blurring the lines between text and visual art. The carefully curated color palette, dominated by bold red, stark black, and pristine white, not only pays homage to the movement's rebellious nature but also serves a functional purpose by enhancing contrast and emphasizing the dynamism of Dada. This project seamlessly weaves together design principles and historical context, creating a visually striking and intellectually stimulating experience for readers interested in the profound impact of Dada on the world of art and culture.
Dada Book


Dada Book

