What it Feels like to Be a Woman in this Country 
I was having a rather painful conversation about patriarchy and nature with Mummy when she asked me if I liked my body. I struggled to explain to her that my personal adoration for myself or even my whole gender, was inconsequential as I don’t exist in isolation. I exist, rather unfortunately, within a society where rituals that pose life-threatening damage to my kind and our bodies, continue to remain highly esteemed behaviour because our mentality has been long dead or because it's part of God's design.
When I say this, I don’t mean to shame the divine existence. What I mean to say, is that there seem to be dissimilarities between every creature’s genders, but what’s alarming is the frequency of female genders that are bearing the grunt of a hyper-complex or an extra-maintenance bodily mechanism that they have no choice or say in but to carry.
Did God mean for us to become so animalistically exploited? Did God know the kind of devastation that was waiting for us, when they created our bodies so beautifully? Will we ever be able to fathom it's beauty and worship it rather than try to kill it whole?


