This is CoNext!
Create the life you want
Find your next HOME aligning to your beliefs and purpose. What do you want to be surrounded by? How would you like to interact with your community and territory?
The paradigm of housing, working and ecology is changing and CoNext offer you the opportunity to connect with folks with similar intentions. 
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White version of the App
 It is not just an Airbnb with Sustainability
It is not just a woofer with renting
And it is not just a crowdfunding with social network.
It IS all of this and more. 
Just ask yourself: "What do I really Want out of life?"
This project stands as my response to the challenges posed by our contemporary world, where the relentless pursuit of wealth has taken precedence, and the accompanying industrial lifestyle renders life on Earth increasingly unsustainable. In an era where the dream of owning a house through a lengthy mortgage has become an unattainable reality for millennials and the younger generations, a shift in mindset is imperative.
I believe it's time for us to reclaim our power and foster creativity. The traditional family paradigm no longer seamlessly fits into the fabric of our lives. It's crucial to identify what truly matters to you and envision the life you genuinely desire. While work, living arrangements, neighbors, and reciprocation remain integral aspects of our existence, infuse each element with purpose.
Let's redefine success and cultivate a lifestyle that aligns with our values, ensuring that every effort contributes to a meaningful and fulfilling existence.
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