These works belong to the Biggestjunkyard universe
These were works dedicated to one episode from the work of the whole team. Here , in theory , there should still have been the final part 3 , but I haven 't done it yet , maybe somehow when I will rework the models .
And so the main motive is various , let 's say , incidents during the execution of contracts in the company ( Yes , I have such a bad fantasy that in the universe of the cantor of the main characters is called the company ) . And in general , again , I tried to depict more extensive plans here , as well as a different bestiary of the dump . For example , the zombie dragon was given hard and the first versions were extremely funny , but in the end it turned out that it came out .
Again, I am always glad to hear your opinion, although not often, but every time I feel warm, even from 1 comment, but also just for the attention paid, thank you
Family business trips


Family business trips

