Foodrop is an intuitive 2-in-1 ecotechnology designed to assist vulnerable populations in arid areas or severely affected by global warming. It enables the dehydration of fruits and vegetables to exponentially increase their shelf life, thus preventing food waste and allowing storage for times of scarcity. In addition to that, Foodrop also serves to purify and cleanse impurities from dirty water through distillation, providing a second use for this liquid
HOW DOES IT WORKS ? The first part of Foodrop is the dehydrator. It utilizes ambient heat and utilizes air circulation to remove moisture from fruits and other foods, thus allowing for their preservation for a longer period. This process is based on the principles of thermodynamics. In this case, the black color of the interior and exterior of the compartment absorbs solar radiation and raises the temperature inside to above 60°C. The transparent top allows direct radiation to reach inside, and the openings at the bottom and top of the container enable air circulation, removing moisture from the inside. The second part consists of the water purifier. Similar to the dehydrator, it utilizes the black color to increase the temperature inside, which allows for the evaporation of water in the first compartment (dirty water). When the water evaporates, it condenses on the upper lid and drips down the conical part into the second compartment, now clean. The purification of water occurs because the dissolved elements in the water (dirt, salt, sugars, heavy metals) do not evaporate in this state. This water can be recycled for activities such as laundry, giving water to animals, bathing, etc. It is not recommended for human consumption unless it is subse- quently boiled. Foodrop is an intuitive 2-in-1 ecotechnology designed to assist vulnerable populations in arid areas or severely affected by global warming. It enables the dehydration of fruits and vegetables to exponentially increase their shelf life, thus preventing food waste and allowing storage for times of scarcity. In addition to that, Foodrop also serves to purify and cleanse impurities from dirty water through distillation, providing a second use for this liquid


