Profil von Fritz WongProfil von The OU On FutureLearn

TZFM201 Autumn Week 2 All-from-one: Harp / Product

All-from-one: Product Photography of a Harp
With its straight strings and curvy frame, the harp is one of the most elegant and visually appealing instruments to me. My set of 6 images from the product genre intends to capture this idea thorugh a variety of studio, lifestyle and detail shots. Two black & white shots are placed as centrepiece, with the four corner photos directing the viewer's attention to the centre using diagonal leading lines. Each photo uses a different technique, from use of light & shadows, reflections and colour editing.
TZFM201 Autumn Week 2 All-from-one: Harp / Product

TZFM201 Autumn Week 2 All-from-one: Harp / Product
