Profil von Liza Pankevych

Wellsomnia | Logo & Brand Identity Design

Brand identity project

Wellsomnia is an emerging brand in the Self-Development area, offering educational and practical products such as Journals, Workbooks, Trackers, etc., for personal growth and self-discovery, catering to those who aspire to develop and evolve as individuals.

In order for Wellsomnia to help people in their self-development, it was necessary first to help the project itself develop by creating a logo and visual identity — which is what I actually did, thereby aiding in taking the initial steps towards growth.

The brand concept is called "Mind-Body-Action". Each of these words has a specific meaning:
Mind — reflects our cognition, thinking and inner world.
Body — denotes our physical health, energy and comfort in our own body.
Action — emphasizes the importance of actions and moving forward in achieving goals.

To translate this symbolism into design, I used abstract shapes of various forms and colors. Each of these shapes represents the fundamental aspects of self-development: Mind, Body, Action.

In the design, I combined vibrant colors with minimalism in the overall layout. This helps catch the customer's attention while not distracting them from the content of the products.

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Wellsomnia | Logo & Brand Identity Design

Wellsomnia | Logo & Brand Identity Design
