Profil użytkownika „Mark Furlong”

Discover Your Local Park by Mark Furlong

Digital Video using Premiere Pro
 Video on vimeo 
• Tour of your hometown • A comedy sketch • Scene re-enactment • Action sequence • Sporting action sequence
• Original story • Promotional video • Music or dance video • Animated video such as stop-motion

This is my first video project, recording video, sounds and editing.  
My Idea: A Promotional video or Tour of my local Park. (• Tour of your hometown • Promotional video)

"Discover your local park."
I started this by drawing a storyboard of ideas. I wasn't 100% sure on what shots 
I wanted to do, or how to start so I tried a Chat GPT AI to make and make a shot list.    
File "Ai chat bot - Video discover your local park".

This gave some great ideas for Wide Angel establishing shots, close-ups on people, and people jogging.
But I don't have drones or all the different lenses. I also didn't want to have to get models and release forms or location forms. On my first project. 

So I tried to keep people out of shots as much as possible. I got out and shot the footage early enough on a school day or at lunchtime. Trying to get a video of the playgrounds and skate park. 

The sound was terrible I think there were Airplanes flying overhead and construction going on in the background. I found a quiet spot under some trees with birds singing, it was quiet for a few minutes, I recorded a portrait video to make it easy to find the file for background noise of bird sound 

My first attempt at the video looked good but it was very boring so it needed music or audio. 
I decided I needed an Information Voice Over. I was not sure how to do this so I started by 
finding a description of the park online and making a Word document for VO.
I thought maybe I could find a simple text-to-speech reader. I researched different ways to make a voiceover and thought I would try out Ai. I found one called ( It gives a few different free voice options, Male and Female and then UK, American, Canadian and Australian.  After messing around with a few types I found one I liked. It then gives you the option to have 1 Full sound file or all sentences/paragraphs separately.
This made it a lot easier to edit the video and align the sound to the scenes. I finished this and published it as a Version 01, and got some feedback from people.   
I had made some errors. Panning right to left - in some shots to avoid people in the shot, but this did not look good. I did not have enough footage. So I made another shot list and reshot it all again this worked out a lot better. 
I think it could be better with some further refinement but for a first project I think it went very well. 
Discover Your Local Park by Mark Furlong

Discover Your Local Park by Mark Furlong
