Poster to advertise the event

Project Name: Water is sentient

"Water is Sentient" it's a collaborative sound art installation created on January 21, 2022, as the final project for the Sound Art course at UPV in Valencia, Spain.

Water, as a conscious entity endowed with senses and sensitivity, embodies sentience — the capacity to experience sensations and emotions.

The immersive installation shows the passage of time and the impact of a drop on the metal. This interaction of the elements is created through some ice hanging from the ceiling. Ice represents one of water's natural states, symbolizing temporality as it transforms and ultimately returns to its original state upon melting

Additional posters to advertise the event.
Photos were captured during setup and post-processed
Postcards and the back

Project Description

The installation is a journey among blocks of ice hanging from the ceiling; beneath them, there are various sheets of metal, each with a different material, shape, and thickness. As the ice melts, water droplets fall onto the metal, precisely where the piezo is placed, capturing the sound. Each piezo is connected to the mixing table. The sound is heard through two speakers positioned in two parts of the room. Two projections are positioned on opposite walls, showing a video of ice recorded.

Sketches of the project.

Video produced after the shots taken during the exhibition.

Project Credits.

**Graphic Design**
Silvia Rocca

**Sound Installation Collaborators**
Nadja Vogeley
Silvia Rocca
Sesame Beckmann
Andrea Beneitez Soriano

Sesame Beckmann

**Video Editing**
Silvia Rocca

Water is Sentient (Temporal)

Water is Sentient (Temporal)
