Perfil de Sze Mei Chan

So Pain, Yet So Good

Samyang dominated the spicy noodles market. Maggi wants to break the monopoly by introducing Maggi Pedas Giler, a product as spicy as Samyang but packed with Malaysian flavours. Without spending a cent on conventional advertising, we launched the product with #CabaranKontrolMacho (Control Macho Challenge) seeded through KOLs. The challenge went viral, and Maggi Pedas Giler was sold out within a week.

This campaign won Merit in the Creative Effectiveness: Promo + Activation category in Kancils Awards, Black Metal in Most Effective Use – Launch/Relaunch category in A+M Markies, and shortlisted for Néstle Facebook Cannes Award.
Teaser generating hype of The Control Macho Challenge.
The spicy daredevils challenged their taste buds and senses with Maggi Pedas Giler.
Sustenance video – highlighting the pain and pleasure of consuming Pedas Giler.
Sustenance video – highlighting the pain and pleasure of consuming Pedas Giler.
Sustenance video – food glory.
So Pain, Yet So Good


So Pain, Yet So Good
