To the left is the image I used for reference, I got this image online, the link to this imagine is provided below. The vector images on the right depicts reasons in order of summer, fall, and then winter. 

Let's starts working on the summer one.
1. I started by adding the reference photo in the same workspace and then added a a rectangle box with a circular gradient. 
2. I changed the gradient colors to a purple tone along with a yellowish tone in the middle. I used the circle tool, by holding down shift, it makes a perfect circle. This is going to be the sun. I wanted to add a sun since I think it depicts the image of "summer" more.
3. I moved the gradient background to where the sun is to give it a glow. 
4. Then I used the pen tool, and by holding it down I was able to create the shapes of the mountains and I went over on top of the layer to create the shadows for the mountain by using a lighter color. 
5. I used different shades of green to represent the ever changing seasons of summer. shown below.
6. I used the pen tool again and created another mountain behind. Then using the linear gradient tool I added colors to it to create more of a foggy feel and creates more depth. 
7. Now time for the trees, I used the pen tool again to draw out the shapes of the trees. 
8. By copying and pasting the trees I created a row of them to reference off the photo I found on the internet. 

Below is the finished summer piece. 
Now, I am going to transform this photo to summer. I knew I wanted to create a cold, snowy vibe. So I focused on making everything using "cold" colors. 

Shown below is the final vector and I will go over step by step now I achieved this look.
1. First, I changed the sun, I wanted there to be light but more dim so I took out the circler circle that represented the sun and moved the sun rays behind the mountains. I changed the sky gradient to more of a cool toned color to bring out the snowy vibes. 
2. Then by changing the colors of the mountains behind to grey and white, it gives it a snowy cold look, but also keeping the effects that those mountains are far away and foggy. 
3. Now, I changed the mountain colors all to white. With the upper layers being a lighter tone of white. I made the rest of the mountain a grayish tone, this gives it more depth.
4. Now I selected all the trees and changed the opacity to 20%, this gives the illusion of the trees being less full, to make them look more dead during winter. 
5. Here, I created some branches, to further bring that "dead look out. I copied and pasted them along all the trees to complete the piece. 
Now the winter is done, I made the last composition to be Fall. The completed composition is shown below. Then I will get into it step by step on how to compose this.
1. First, by copying and pasting the fall landscape I started by changing the background gradient, by still using the circular radiant gradient I changed the colors to more of a warm tone, I think this color will fit well with the typical colors we associate with fall. 
2. Then I started changing the gradients of the mountains, I changed the upper part of the mountains brown to signify the dead leaves and trees. The bottom stays green to signify the "change" in season, fall. The green I used is more of a misty green. This is to keep the same moist effects and to show some dimensions that those mountains are far away.
3. I took all the leaves off here in the trees, leaving just the branch behind to signify the change in seasons. 
3. Here, I started to change the mountains into brown and light green. I wanted there to be some dimension to the mountains so I made the right side a bit lighter with a slightly lighter brown and green. These was done with the linear gradient tool and I had to change the gradient angle from 180 to 90 degrees to achieve this effect. 
4. I selected all the tree branches here and turned the gradient up. 
5. Lastly, I copied and pasted more branches and adjusted the width of some of them to give it variety. 
Vectored Image

Vectored Image


Creative Fields