Sara Passamonti's profile

1924, Giro D'Italia. ALFONSINA STRADA

1924 Giro d'Italia - ALFONSINA STRADA
When I made this Illustration, my town was crossed by the Giro D'Italia, the major cycling event in Italy, famous all over the world. That inspired me with a new illustration. Doing my research, I was already imagining a vintage mustached 1920s man to portray, instead, I found the most incredible story! Please, guys, look for the life of Alfonsina Strada (1891-1959), the only woman who took part in this sporting event in the far 1924!
Just reading this little page on Wikipedia about her, really moved me.
She had a hard life. It was hard being a woman during the 1920s, who wanted to run like the wind with her bicycle. Alfonsina is a super example of willpower, braveness, and resiliency.

"It wasn't the easiest of routes but I felt my strength, my limitation, my loves. I didn't allow myself to become a prisoner of other people's opinions or expectations. This was my life! And, you know, in my dreams my legs are young, and the wind dances along with me singing: Alfonsina, Alfonsina!"
personal project, 2022
1924, Giro D'Italia. ALFONSINA STRADA


1924, Giro D'Italia. ALFONSINA STRADA
