For this project we were asked to bring in an electric motor eg. a toothbrush/blender. This was to make an automatic drawing machine, we worked in groups of 3 to create these drawing machines. I was absent for the first part of this project but my friend had created a drawing machine using a hand-held fan to which they stuck charcoal. This created non-continuous lines. 
 For the second part of the project we produced a pendulum. To do this we created a little stage using Styrofoam to which we attached 4 wooden sticks held together with tape. We attached string to the middle of the sticks and using half a water bottle we created an ink sack. To do this we used the top of the bottle and taped the neck shut, we then made a hole to allow the ink to drip out. We filled the bottle up with green ink and swung it to create a pattern. 
 This created a drip pattern as we made the whole too small to achieve a continuous drip. As the pendulum was swinging we got different drip textures all over the page creating a piece of abstract art.
 For the last part of the project we were meant to use a toy car and a ramp to create tyre marks. The person who was supposed to bring the car was unfortunately ill that day so we improvised. We brought my bicycle upstairs and used it to create tyre marks. To do this we grabbed a lot of paper which we taped together to create a long podium of paper. To create the tyre marks we poured ink over the front wheel and then rode it around the paper
 After this we decided to add some foot-prints to add depth to our project, to do this we put ink on our shoes and jumped around the paper. 
 This was a fun project as we got to experiment with deconstructing objects and created new shapes and forms using non-traditional ways. If we were to do this again I would probably use a toothbrush or a different motor to create a continuous line drawing machine. I would improve the bike drawing by using much bigger paper in order to be able to actually ride the bike around on the paper rather than walk around with it. 
drawing machine

drawing machine



Sectores creativos