Profil von Kiley Erazo

Band Logo - Kiley Erazo

This project was the reinvention of an existing band logo from the band No Doubt. One principle of design I incorporated was hierarchy. Hierarchy is displayed through the Words "No Doubt," as it is the first thing people see when looking at the logo. Additionally, the art element is texture and is exhibited by the lining and words. The textures are sampled from withered wood and the guitar is pencil lining. 

The custom font was an obvious choice to me due to the rugged, rock and roll characteristics. I had misplaced a few letters to give off an effect of loudness and messiness that the band had branded themselves with!
These design spoke to me as this is a large part of my music taste. Choosing this design was a smooth process, but it had allowed me to venture outside of my comfort zone. The logo is loud and has intricate details that are easy to mess up. But that is what mainly led me to choose the end design. The logo allowed me to learn new things that I wouldn't have done originally. 
Band Logo - Kiley Erazo

Band Logo - Kiley Erazo

