Sofia Aronov sin profil

Hidden Echoes of Motion

An installation by Sofia Aronov & Nikita Rao
The Delete Show
June 2014
"Our purpose is to show the beauty of nature through its hidden movements. Every creature leaves its own trace on this earth through patterns of movement that characterize its identity. Through the use of Glow paint the movement of projected animated creatures will remain impress on the surface: when the light stops, the whole pattern of that specific movement will glow in all its beauty. Playing on the pacing of the different movements, their intensity and their path, we will show to our audience a an incredible hidden world that our naked eye can’t experience, but that Moving Image can bring to life."
The animation is projected on a cardboard surface covered with a screen-printed layer of phosphorescent (glowing in the dark) paint. The animation is designed as white shapes on black background: this means that the projector will project pure-strong light within these shapes and a weak, almost imperceptible light all around.
The light will then impress the very sensible surface of the phosphorescent ink on the cardboard.A blocking cardboard rectangle is then attached to a Servo Motor that will spin and rotate in front of the projector with a rhythm that has been previously programmed in base of the animation with an Arduino Uno. As a result, when the cardboard rotates in front of the projector the light projection stops and the phosphorescent surface reveals the previous frames that have been impressed on the ink and so are able to shine by themselves.
Hidden Echoes of Motion

Hidden Echoes of Motion

Moving image installation by Sofia Aronov & Nikita Rao for "The Delete Show", June 2014
