PONDER magazine for University Brief (2023) 

PONDER is a design magazine that focuses on creatives breaking boundaries through their processes to create designs deemed as "creative." In this issue, PONDER will explore how designers transcend beyond the limits with inspiration from nature and the assistance of technological devices such as A.I. and NFTs. 
Through typographic art and design, the magazine emphasises creatives as a collective engaging in problem-solving to embrace the imperfections within their design processes, similar to the actions of slimes. 

The articles in the magazine contain typographic imagery, resembling poetry, and mark-making as a "source of inspiration" for designers to utilise within their design practices. The cloud imagery of the cover demonstrates a sense of looseness that allows audiences to "ponder" their version of breaking boundaries through the connection between nature and technological devices.

Made for UTS, Typography in Context
Medium: Typographic art, mark-making
Tools used: Indesign & Photoshop, Fountain pen, paper 
PONDER (Magazine)


PONDER (Magazine)
