"Mara DoWon" marked GENERAL YONGYONG's debut pop-up store, strategically located in Gwangjang Market, a bustling hub in South Korea. Here, we ingeniously reinterpreted the iconic Mara sauce, marrying its essence with Korea's beloved tteokbokki to create the enticing "Mara Tteokbokki Bar." This fusion dish offered patrons a unique culinary adventure, harmonizing local flavors with our brand's innovation.

Moreover, alongside this culinary innovation, GENERAL YONGYONG unveiled its exclusive "Goryangju Highball." This signature beverage not only showcased our commitment to pioneering tastes but also spearheaded the celebration of Goryangju culture. Through this strategic venture, our presence at Gwangjang Market became more than just a culinary escapade; it transformed into a cultural rendezvous, seamlessly blending tradition and novelty while honoring South Korea's rich culinary heritage.

The primary logotype of Maradowon is prominently crafted using GENERAL YONGYONG's exclusive font, "Hongkong General Yongyong," artistically represented in Chinese characters. This choice resonates with the brand's heritage and essence. Meanwhile, the sub-logotype adopts a vibrant graffiti-style display, utilizing English characters that infuse a modern, edgy appeal into the brand's visual identity.

Moreover, the intricate balance between the delicately crafted characters and the bold red hue serves as a powerful representation. This color choice not only embodies the spirit of Mara but also symbolizes passion, creating a compelling visual narrative that distinctly reflects both the store's overall ambiance and the brand's core values.

Maradowon's exclusive font, "Pretendard," served as the primary font across all facets, maintaining consistency and brand identity, with the exception of the graffiti-style sub-logotype. Particularly notable was the deliberate alteration of font width in English text, aimed at creating a striking visual impact. This modified font, purposefully adjusted for a bolder appearance, found active application in posters and menu boards, augmenting their visual allure and reinforcing the brand's distinct identity.

This meticulous approach to font selection and modification not only ensured a coherent visual language throughout Maradowon but also strategically elevated the prominence of English text elements. By deploying modified fonts, the brand effectively captured attention, establishing a bold and captivating aesthetic in its promotional materials within the space.

The strategic utilization of curated imagery stood as a cornerstone in Maradowon's visual repertoire, prominently featured across posters and viral marketing campaigns. These meticulously staged visuals captured the essence of the packaging design, the intricacies of food preparation, and the infectious energy of the crew savoring the dishes. Each image, rugged in its depiction yet pulsating with vitality, served as a testament to the brand's commitment to authenticity and vibrant experiences.

Furthermore, beyond their aesthetic appeal, these images emerged as a powerful conduit for connecting with the audience. They transcended mere visuals, serving as compelling storytellers, effectively communicating the ambiance of the establishment and resonating deeply with the emotional ethos that defined the brand. Through these captivating visuals, Maradowon successfully forged an immersive connection, inviting patrons into an experience that extended far beyond the culinary offerings.

Uniforms for the crew involved in the on-site pop-up operations were intricately designed to reflect the essence of the brand. Drawing inspiration from the Chinese characters and subtitles featured in the main logotype, as well as the illustrations, various versatile variations were crafted. The base colors for the inner t-shirts were white and black, allowing for diverse interpretations. Additionally, the utilization of black jumpsuits infused with our unique graphics further enhanced the vibrancy and liveliness of the on-site presence.

These designed uniforms encapsulated the spirit of Maradowon, aligning with the visual elements of the brand's main logotype and illustrations. The incorporation of these elements into the crew's attire not only ensured a coherent visual representation but also contributed to the lively atmosphere at the site. With inner t-shirts available in white and black variations and the innovative use of black jumpsuits featuring custom graphics, these uniforms became a dynamic extension of the brand's identity, amplifying the energy and vibrancy of the on-site crew.
In our viral marketing efforts, we integrated both staged shoot footage and poster images, utilizing them together. These materials were uploaded onto our official accounts, effectively disseminating news and updates to our brand's fanbase. Collaborating with the on-site photo booth, we facilitated the capture and printing of photos featuring our pop-up brand's identity graphics, engaging patrons in the experience. Additionally, we provided discount coupons as part of this collaborative effort.

The fusion of staged shoot footage and poster images served as a robust strategy in our viral marketing initiatives. By sharing these visuals on our official platforms, we ensured our brand enthusiasts remained well-informed and engaged. Moreover, the collaboration with the on-site photo booth enabled visitors to actively participate, capturing moments aligned with our pop-up brand's identity graphics, and further incentivizing their involvement through discount coupons. This multifaceted approach not only bolstered our brand's online presence but also fostered an interactive and immersive experience for our patrons.