Perfil de Jyo Charlie

Injection molding attitude

From Injection Molding Expert to Successful Entrepreneur
In the dynamic world of injection molding, the path to becoming a boss is often paved with challenges and learning opportunities. This is the story of Michael, an injection molding expert, whose journey to leadership is both inspiring and instructive.
Early one morning, at the invitation of a friend, I had the opportunity to witness the startup of a home appliance injection molding process. The experience turned out to be a revealing snapshot of the industry as a whole. The insights gained from this day are what I'm eager to share with you, as they could be incredibly beneficial.
The day began at 7:30 AM when I arrived at the injection molding plant. The plant's technician, Paul, and the supervisor, Michael, were all set up with a massive mold, ready to commence the production of a refrigerator drawer. The mold measured 1088×1088×1218, designed for a 1000T machine, a classic model from Haitian, and was to produce a 1818g drawer in a translucent black PS material.
After the initial setup and a few production cycles, a problem arose—the mold showed signs of rust. Paul's reaction was one of resignation; he saw it as a mold issue beyond immediate resolution. Michael, however, took a proactive approach, contacting the customer to discuss the rust issue, which could be due to subpar material quality or inadequate maintenance, and suggested bringing in a mold technician for assistance.
Following the call, Michael and Paul worked together to disassemble the mold. Paul's grumbling about the extra work was a stark contrast to Michael's solution-oriented mindset.
Lunchtime came and went, and with the mold technicians from the mold factory nowhere in sight, Paul opted for a nap, a stark embodiment of a worker with a "just get by" attitude. In contrast, Michael meticulously examined the parts produced, noticing issues with the color dispersion, pondering whether it was a problem with the color masterbatch or the machine settings.
The afternoon brought Leo, a project engineer, James, a mold designer, and Ryan, a polishing expert, from the mold factory. They polished the rusted parts of the mold, and during this time, I learned about their factory's output and workforce—15 employees producing about 18 sets of molds monthly, with last year's turnover reaching 31.8 million from 203 molds, mainly medium-sized, and a few large molds weighing up to 8 tons, with a healthy profit margin.
As they worked, Ryan and James questioned the care of the mold, hinting at neglect on the part of Paul and Michael. The blame game was afoot, with Paul quickly deflecting responsibility, and Ryan expressing concern over the extensive rust and the possibility of not finishing in time. James echoed the sentiment, both weary from the workload.
Michael, focused on the urgency of the customer's needs, encouraged them to expedite their work.
As evening approached, the mold was hastily polished and reassembled by James and Ryan, who then promptly announced their departure, indifferent to the project's completion. Despite Leo's attempts, they left, embodying a disengaged worker's mindset.
Michael and Paul then faced several issues upon testing the mold: areas needing further polishing, a pin installed incorrectly, and color mixing problems in the product. Michael took immediate action, contacting the color masterbatch supplier and correcting the pin installation with Paul.
After a long night of troubleshooting, including a lubrication alarm on the machine, Michael's dedication shone through. He cleaned and repaired the machine himself, ensuring production could continue.
By 2 AM, Michael's leadership and commitment were evident as he thanked Leo for his support and prepared to oversee the night's production to ensure timely delivery.
This narrative not only highlights the stark differences between a dedicated professional like Michael and an indifferent worker but also underscores the importance of leadership, proactive problem-solving, and customer focus in the injection molding industry.
Injection molding attitude
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Injection molding attitude

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