Logo design for makeup brand (as shown on lip-gloss bottle). Design process completed in adobe illustrator and photoshop.
Smart object credited to: <a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-psd/white-lipstick_7045924.htm#from_view=detail_author">Image by alexandercho</a> on Freepik
Logo design for makeup brand (as shown on skincare bottle). Design process completed in adobe illustrator and photoshop.
Smart Object credited to: <a href="https://www.freepik.com/free-psd/skincare-cream-container_7045901.htm#query=makeup&position=4&from_view=search&track=sph&uuid=2c042847-ab18-4592-91ad-5d7e57460d42">
Logo drafts using adobe illustrator.
A Mood board created in Adobe Illustrator to ideate a theme of design for brand identity. Keywords such as "Feminine, Neat, Confident, Sophisticated and Expressive" were used to build this board and start the ideation process. 
Hand written font options, font chosen on left. 
Final Logo ideation created.
Color added to logo... freedom of different logo uses. (Square or no square depending on product). 
Sketch Ideation for different branding options.
Logo Design


Logo Design
