Henkilön Hugo Lefebvre profiili

School project - Boardgame: Mal'herb

School project: Non-digital game design
Objective: To design a boardgame revolving around area control mechanics
Presented games: El Grande, 8-minute empire

Design team: Élodie Vasseur, Hugo Lefebvre, Jérémie Bolduc, Rémi Côté
Mal'herb, derived to roll off the tongue better from the term "mauvais herbe"  (Weeds in french), is used to represent a branch of herbs that grow in places without being intentionally sown there. In this game, each players incarnate different breeds of weeds (adventicus) to spread their roots around the different patches of flowers, fighting against other the other weeds for the dominion over patches of soil as well as the surrounding bugs' attention.
Mechanics contained in the game: majority area control, hand management, simultaneous action selection, priority selection turn order, ''seeding'' cube placement, set collection
Overview and component list:
Play area setting, turn order & rules of play and game end victory point allocations:
The pictures below shows a game with fellow game designers playtesting our team's name. The pictures being from an earlier playtest, the one difference is the use of "Splendor-like" objective tiles that were later scrapped because the game already had too many micro-interactions for the desired game lenght and complexity.
School project - Boardgame: Mal'herb

School project - Boardgame: Mal'herb
