Kelvin Kiprop 的个人资料

Antd Multipurpose Dashboard

Hello guys

Looking for a modern, clean, and responsive dashboard template for your next web app project? Look no further than our antd multipurpose dashboard template. Customizing this template is a breeze, thanks to its easy-to-change code and user-friendly design. With a wide variety of beautiful UI elements, widgets, and other features included, this admin dashboard template has everything you need to create a stunning dashboard or admin web app.

Our antd multipurpose admin dashboard template includes over 30+ pages, 7 variant dashboard designs and 60+ custom components, making it a comprehensive solution for your next project. It works seamlessly on all major web browsers and devices.
Tools: React, Vite, Ant Design, Storybook, Ant Design Icons, Ant Design Charts, React Router, React Countup

This is project is open source, to view the codebase on Github. Remember to give it a star, I will really appreciate.
I have also written a blog post about this project on Medium.
Press 🧡 if you like our design and share feedback💬!

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Antd Multipurpose Dashboard


Antd Multipurpose Dashboard
