Justin Coles profil

Print: Cheetos, Caught Orange Handed

Who hasn't had Cheetos? And who hasn't had the orange heavenly dust that remains on your hands and fingers after eating Cheetos? Does that heavenly goodness sometimes make a mess? Yes. And does it sometimes get you in trouble? Maybe. But is it worth it? Hell ya!
I have been concepting different ways to deliver this message, geared towards a typically younger crowd, that will get this kind of humor. There will be more versions of this coming soon.
*The characters in this piece are inspired by Burnt Toast Creative. I have been looking at his work and recreating some of his characters in oreder to practice my illustration techniques and styles. I am not trying to claim them as my own*
Print: Cheetos, Caught Orange Handed

Print: Cheetos, Caught Orange Handed

*This was for a class project* Who hasn't had Cheetos? And who hasn't had the orange heavenly dust that remains on your hands and fingers after Læs mere
