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Book cover "songs of the blue stone"

Book description: Songs of the Blue Stone" - a novel in short stories. Each story in it is completely independent. But at the same time, the fates of all the heroes are closely interconnected and flow into one another. Although the heroes themselves do not always realize this.These are the stories of ordinary modern people - residents of Moscow, Tver, Vladimir - who are losing, searching for and regaining their roots, connections with their native land and its heritage. Or maybe with ourselves? Slavic, Karelian-Finnish, Meryan mythologies are closely intertwined here, as in the history of these ancient lands. But whether the meetings with the ancestors and spirits of the forest are real, or whether this is just an expression of the deep movements of the heroes’ souls, is up to the heroes themselves to decide. Magical realism.
Terms of reference for the cover: Something simple, watercolor and pencil, but not childish.
Thank you!
Book cover "songs of the blue stone"

Book cover "songs of the blue stone"
