Theresa Mai's profile

Cat Cafe Etiquette

Cat Cafe Etiquette
This project lists important cat cafe etiquette rules for visitors.The target audience consists of individuals visiting cat cafes. My location for my sticker is at a lobby of a cat cafe before people would enter the play area. This project aims to educate people about respecting a cat's boundaries and provides a pleasant way to pass the time while waiting to enter the play area.

The objective of this project is to ensure that everyone who visits a cat cafe understands the importance of cat cafe etiquette. Given that the cats spend many hours in a confined space, it is crucial that they feel comfortable and are treated with respect.

Researcher, Augmented Reality Designer, Illustrator

Procreate, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Aero

Class Project, Felius Cat Cafe & Rescue
Sticker Designs
Cat Cafe Sticker
For this design, I aim for a cute style that reflects the cat cafe theme.
Ghost Cat Cafe Sticker
I intended to visit Felius Cat Cafe & Rescue around Halloween, so I wanted to illustrate a cat dressed as a ghost for the occasion. 
Felius Cat Cafe & Rescue
I chose Felius Cat Cafe & Rescue as my location because it is the only cat cafe in Nebraska, located in Omaha. I selected the lobby area to place my sticker because it is essential for everyone to understand cat cafe etiquette before entering the play area.
For my research, I learned about basic cat cafe etiquette from the article below and subsequently found Felius Cat Cafe & Rescue while searching for cat cafe locations.
In the early stages of my sketches, I aimed to create a dialogue between the audience and the cats. Each cat that appears would allow the audience to interact by tapping it, and the cat would provide an etiquette tip.
While prototyping, I encountered various challenges, including file compression, audio snippet creation, and ensuring an adequate distance between the viewer's phone screen and the Augmented Reality project.
In general, I gained valuable insights into the world of Augmented Reality. Learning a new application, especially one in its beta version, was not easy. My primary challenge was documenting my location, as it was an hour's drive from Lincoln. Given my busy schedule and the need to plan the documentation, I had to work with the materials I had already captured. Another challenge was ensuring the cohesion of my content and graphics. In the time that I had, I am satisfied with the outcome of this project. If I were to change something, it would be to have a better screen recording and voiceover at the cat cafe and to work on speech bubbles for each cat.
Cat Cafe Etiquette

Cat Cafe Etiquette
