Anthony Sabrera Quispe profili

Contigo Peru at Yale University

Contigo Peru at Yale University

Contigo Peru is a student organization at Yale University, whose mission lets students participate in cultural events, discussions, and workshops that promote Peru's culture. Students who are interested get to learn more about their own Peruvian cultural heritage and connect with others who share similar backgrounds.

Design brief:

Collaborating with the Vice President of the organization, I designed a logo that represented both Yale University and Peru. I combined Yale's dark blue color with Peru's flag white and red. Adding to this, Peru's Nazca Lines, a tourist location, are seen surrounding the inner circle.
Early drafts:

Below you can see different variations that were created before I received feedback from the organization’s E-board and members. ​​​​​​​
Yale's mascot and the official "Yale blue" color:
The diagonal red stripe from Peru's soccer jersey:
Another iconic symbol I wanted to include was Peru's crest from its flag:
The Nazca Lines (tourist location), can only be seen from an aircraft due to its enormous size.
Black and white variants (for printing):
Contigo Peru at Yale University
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Contigo Peru at Yale University

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