There are health issues in this world we probably don't care too much about until they start to have an impact on us, make us see how the people we love or simply others we care about at some humane level of our consciousness, probably people we'll never meet or, quite the opposite, people we want to keep in our lives, start to disappear and this because some disease takes them away from us while they are still alive. Having them suffer under our very eyes, making us feel weak, helpless and tired with all the struggle to keep them safe, present to lift up the spirit and carry on with the feeble hope that is actually deepening the wound is just the last pour of poison anyone would rather refuse to take. 

   Some of the people mentioned who suddenly become patients even get to suffer a great load of pain and struggle with the acceptance of their situation. Some fear losing their lives - they had dreams and plans and things just turned around bad for everything their life meant and was about to mean.

    This saddens us and so we, getting the message, started to do something about it, in small steps, true, but much better than doing absolutely nothing. 

    I always wanted to become a doctor, when I was a child! Why not make something good out of my two impossible dreams?!" This is the statement standing at the very roots of this evil deed we are attempting at - Yeah, I know, we are trying to fight the disease called cancer and contribute to its eradication which means to kill it, but what is the evil doing in all this? A nagging monster is explaining to me that, if I stop and look things from the Disease's point of view, I might represent the very Evil Dude! I am a murderer in the Disease's eyes, So, yeah! I have to accept this position and status quo (?). I am evil too."_T.O.

Check our B.Rogue site. The posts here may also be useful from the health and healthy lifestyle perspective.
Print material for the promotional B.Rogue Brochure
Our Poetry Shores 2022 - 2023 Edition 
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With a set of traditional illustrations on paper sold for the benefit of people with cancer, B.Rogue has annexed the art of writing to the projec Read More
