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Miradors de l'Horta - Museu Miradors

The ephemeral installation is part of the “Miradors de l’horta” festival.
The ephemeral museum presents three temporary exhibitions that highlight the value of the garden and show its products, as sculptures, on ceramic pieces by Anna Illueca and stones by Gómez Grau
Museu Miradors is an ephemeral installation that aims to highlight the product of the Valencian garden and criticize, through three ephemeral exhibitions, the use of plastic, the aesthetic standard for fruits and vegetables and food which is not kilometer zero. Designed and executed by architect Miguel Arraiz in collaboration with the Arqueha studio, it is located in the Casa Artillers de Foios (Calle Hugo Bacharach 15) and is part of the “Miradors de l’horta” festival. It can be visited for free on weekends until November 5.
The installation, located in the Town Square of Foios, has been conceived as a museum and has shown, for three weeks - Saturdays and Sundays - different fruits like jewels, arranged on large stones from the Gómez Grau firm and on artisanal pieces of ceramics signed by the ceramist Ana illueca, with a careful graphic design by Carsí Navarro. This exhibition aims to highlight the fruits of our garden and make visible the role that farmers play from the metropolitan garden, highlighting their kilometer zero products, reinforcing their importance in gastronomy and consolidating their influence both in Valencian culture and in local history.
"Enveloping the Problem: Awareness about plastic in the garden", "The Kilometers We Eat: The carbon footprint of imported foods" and "Imperfect Foods: The unfortunate Unfair Rejection" are the titles of the three exhibitions at Museu Miradors, a proposal for the fourth edition of the Miradors de l'Horta 2023 festival.
Local crafts are part of the project, since the showcase of these products from the Valencian garden is a selection of pieces by the ceramist Ana Illueca. A series of three-ton stone blocks serve as the basis for these ceramic works, decorated with vegetables and fruits from the fields surrounding the museum.
“Each fruit and vegetable are treated as unique objects, with dedication, time and skill, similar to a sculpture, a painting or a jewel. This perspective invites us to appreciate the garden not only for its agricultural function, but also for its aesthetic and cultural value. The creative process of this museum has had the participation of local farmers, restaurateurs and key actors in the territory,” says Miguel Arraiz, author of the installation.
“For the development of the project and creative process, we took advantage of the use of Artificial Intelligence to explore and experiment with the characteristics of stones and food. This allowed us to have a very accurate idea of the final result of the exhibition and its enhancement of the food,” explains Ricardo García, marketing manager of the Arqueha architecture studio.
“This project highlights the orchard as a valuable treasure that houses the culture, traditions and future of Valencia. The orchard has witnessed generations of Valencians who have worked this land with passion and dedication, creating a heritage of immeasurable value that deserves to be preserved and celebrated,” concludes Miguel Arraiz, author of the installation.
"Wrapping the Problem: Awareness about plastic in the garden" is an exhibition about the evolution of food packaging, from plastic to ceramics, as a reflection of a significant change in our society since the questioning of these materials in the current industry.
"The Kilometers We Eat: The carbon footprint of imported foods" is a reflection on the choice we make in the consumption of foods that have an environmental impact on the environment that surrounds us, due to their origin and their temporality.
“Imperfect Foods: The Unfortunate Unfair Rejection” focuses on foods that do not meet general standards of beauty in nutrition and are therefore discarded.
In this space occupied by MUSEU MIRADORS, a project with graphic design by Carsí Navarro, guided tours of the facilities, a concert, a cooking show by Lluís Penyafort and a children's workshop have been organized during these weeks. by Vicent Adell, among other activities. It also has a children's area created by SUC Estudio.

Miradors de l’Horta 2023
Miradors de l’Horta 2023, whose motto is “With our feet on the ground”, has set out to make visible the role that women farmers play in the metropolitan garden, highlighting their kilometer zero products, reinforcing their importance in gastronomy.
Miradors de l'Horta - Museu Miradors


Miradors de l'Horta - Museu Miradors
