Profil użytkownika „Bradley DiTeresi”

Tips for Finding Consistent & Challenging Running Pace

Based in Kansas City, Bradley DiTeresi is an established entrepreneur with an international real estate profile. Bradley DiTeresi counts staying fit as one of his passions and enjoys running to accomplish it.

Every runner benefits from finding a consistent running pace. Finding the right pace requires balancing effort and challenging oneself. It's easy to fall into a pattern of running just to run. However, running too fast and gasping for breath isn't productive either. Instead, the over-effort depletes the energy needed for the rest of the day.

An optimal running pace is in the middle range of maximum effort. Find it by running three miles and timing it. Then, take the average. For example, if the first mile takes nine minutes, the second 10 minutes, and the third 11 minutes, the average pace is 10 minutes. Use the average as a benchmark and plug it into a running app to automatically track the pace. Extending the running distance or shaving off time from the average reflects improving form and fitness.

Heart rate is another factor in the ideal running pace. First, find the BPM representing 60 percent of aerobic capacity by subtracting age from 220 and multiplying by .60. For example, a 50-year-old would have a BPM target of 220-50 x .60, or 102. Then, try to maintain the BPM consistently over an extended running period, 30 minutes or longer.
Tips for Finding Consistent & Challenging Running Pace

Tips for Finding Consistent & Challenging Running Pace
