Perfil de John Harding

SNHU Capstone Portfolio

John T. Harding Capstone Portfolio
Professional Self-Assessment:
Artifact One:
Artifact Details
Name: The Facility (John_Harding_Game)
Description: A virtual, visual walkthrough prototype of a basic demo where players "wake up" in an unknown facility and traverse it. While moving through the level, it shows off the C++ elements of the game including a working HUD, fire obstacle, medkit, AI "test subjects", ray-casting, hit-boxes, trigger switches, and camera managers. It is designed to show off proficiency with Unreal using both Blueprints and C++ and an understanding of how to make a game engaging/immersive. Can you escape The Facility?
Tool(s): Unreal Engine (4.27), Visual Studio, C++, Blueprints
Highlighted Skills: Game Engine Mastery, Level Design, Gameplay Design, Blueprint Design, Graphic Interface Design, AI, UI, 3D Graphics Usage, Physics, Logic Problems
Reflection, Landscape Design, and Pause Screen
AI Component (Moving Test Subjects)
Camera Director (Switching Camera/View)
Character (Health/Magic & Raycast Setup)
Fire (Damage Event)
Game Mode (Setting/Getting Game States)
HUD (Add Widget to Game)
Light Switch Trigger (Turn on Spotlights Event)
Medkit (Heal Player Event)
On-Hit Component (Raycast and Text-Display Usage)
Artifact Two:
Artifact Details
Name: Parkour Pizza
Description: A difficult, urban-themed platformer in which the player is tasked with avoiding obstacles and traversing the city while gathering up ten missing pizzas. Upon obtaining at least ten, then reaching their “paycheck” at the end of the right of the stage, they will be awarded a score based on the amount of pizzas picked up and how much time was left on the ten minute timer. It is included to show gameplay and level design features I helped create.
Tool(s): Unreal Engine (4.27),,, Blender, UE Marketplace, Blueprints
Highlighted Skills: Level Design, Gameplay Design, Project/Team Management, Blueprint Design,  Graphic Interface Design, AI, UI, Time Management, 2.5D Graphics Usage, Physics, Logic Problems
Reflection and Intro Screen
Main Game Theme: HoliznaCC0 "Make Funk" -
Gum (5 Second Slow) and Paper Airplane (10 Damage)
Stepping in Gum: MrFossy "Sticker Ripper" -
Paper Airplane Hit: fotoshop "Oof" -
Potted Plant (5 Seconds of Reversed Controls) and Oil Drum (10 Damage)
Potted Plant Hit: spookymodem "Bottle Shattering" -
Oil Drum Fire Hit: memerunknown "Lava Burn" -
Manholes (10 Damage/Momentary Stun) and Cars (Game Over)
Falling Down a Manhole: Samulis "Trombone Fall" -
Hit by a Car: Kurlyjoe "Hardstyle Screech 2" -
Pizza Thieves (Steals 1 Pizza - Chases Player if Number of Pizzas > 0)
Pizza Stolen by Thief: Chilljeremy "8-Bit Victory Sound" -
Pizzas (Score/Objective) and Speed Shoes (5 Second Speed Boost)
Pizza Pickup: rigor789 "Coin" -
Speed Shoes: se2001 "Cartoon Quick Zip" -
Water Bottle (Restore Health) and Energy Drink (1 Damage Negation)
Water Bottle: lulyc "Retro Heal Sound" -
Energy Drink: Leszek_Szary "Energy" -
Winning the Game and Bonus
Paycheck (Finish with 10 Pizzas) and Secret Diamond (10K Bonus Score)
Successful Win: PearceWilsonKing "[Victory]" -
Bonus Diamond Pickup: Mr._Fritz_ "Item Sparkle" -
Artifact Three:
Artifact Details
Name: Fuzzy Farmer
Description: A casual collection game in which players assume the role of a "Fuzzy Farmer" and go around collecting various Fuzzies and Treats within the set amount of time to try and get personal high scores. As players get closer in proximity to Fuzzies, they make an increasingly louder squeaking noise to help the player find them. The purpose of this Artifact is to demonstrate my ability to organize my project Blueprints in an easily-readable and well-documented manner. 
Tool(s): Unreal Engine (4.27), Blueprints,, YouTube Music Library
Highlighted Skills: Level Design, Gameplay Design, Blueprint Design, Blueprint Management/Organization, Graphic Interface Design, AI, UI, 3D Graphics Usage, Physics, Logic Problems
Reflection and Landscape
​​​​​​​Content Browser Hierarchy and Level Blueprints
Intro Screen (with Blueprints)
Retry Screen (with Blueprints)
Fuzzy Score Blueprints
Treat Inventory Blueprints
Countdown Blueprints
First Person Character Blueprints
First Person Game Mode Blueprints
Fuzzy Design and Blueprints
Treat Design and Blueprints
Fuzzy and Treat Spawners
Gameplay Overview
Audio Procured from YouTube Music Library - Creative Commons 0 License
Fuzzy Squeak: uwesoundboiz "Tube Squeak (9)" -
Artifact Four:
Artifact Details
Name: Unnamed Game Idea
Description: My final Artifact is a GDD I created that is available upon request. The feedback I received led me to incorporate more detailed concept art to illustrate my game ideas. This Artifact section will focus solely on showcasing that skill. I DO NOT own the original images below and they are merely examples used for educational/practice purposes. There is a list of references at the end of this Artifact of where these resource images were procured from.
Tool(s): Microsoft Word, Adobe Photoshop,
Highlighted Skills: Level Design, Gameplay Design, Graphic Interface Design, UI, 2D Graphics Usage
Farm Concept Art (Before and After)
Village Concept Art (Before and After)
Forest Concept Art (Before and After)
Image Source References:​​​​​​​
Thank You for Your Time in Viewing My ePortfolio!
SNHU Capstone Portfolio
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SNHU Capstone Portfolio

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