Hello, my name is Nida, i'm a newbie in design world.. and this is my first portofolio! there are still many shortcomings, but i will kepp learning and adding!

and then, i want to introduce Indari Mastuti..
She is a entrepreneur in the field of writing she is CEO Indscript Corp, but she is multi-talent, not only writing, she also trainer, public speaking, and coach in indonesia, malaysia, and singapore.. she has received many awards as writer and womenpreneur.. not only awards, she also always appear in multiple media like television, magazine, newspaper, and now she is announcer in UFM radio, jakarta..

Visit she website..
Indarimastuti.com, Indscriptcreative.com, jasacopywriting.com


thus project for make me more experience in the field animation, costum design, and website
