The Tilther XT builds upon the success of the original Tilther. The original Tilther was designed to support low-till and no-till growing systems. Traditional rototillers can be great for breaking new ground but overuse can stress the soil. The TiltherXT is optimized for final bed preparation and only reaches a depth of about 2 inches. This is the perfect tool for turning over beds and blending any compost and amendments into the soil. 

One of the benefits of the Tilther offers is an ability to much more mobile than traditional equipment. We leaned into this function and created better features for carrying and manipulating the Tilther XT. Additionally, we completely reworked the handle and trigger system to give better action and control when operating. The Tilther XT has received a totally revised gearbox which removes some of the inefficiency of the old system.
The previous Tilther is shown on the left while the redesigned Tilther XT is shown on the right. 
Redesigned hand grips and new trigger completely transform the control you have over the unit. 
The Tilther XT is powered by a single 20v drill. 
The cross bar was relocated to a spot where the unit could be slung over one shoulder and comfortably carried to the next spot to be tilthed.
The addition of a grab handle has been a popular feature in early testing. 
Tilther XT

Tilther XT
